Welcome to the Marketing a New Restaurant Book Series Newsletter!

You may know me from my former editorial posts at PMQ Pizza Magazine, EatingOxford.com, or EatLikeaWriter.com. Maybe you read my work or were interviewed by me for a publication such as Restaurant Business; National Culinary Review; Flavor & The Menu; FSR; QSR; or Restaurant Startup & Growth. You may even be one of my corporate food or restaurant tech clients. However we know each other, I’m so glad to see you here!

It’s been eight years since the publication of my first nonfiction book (Pizza: A Slice of American History, Voyageur Press), and three years since my children’s book was published (The Peanut Butter Bandit, New Idea Publishing).

Now, after nearly two decades of writing for the food and beverage industry, I’m ready to create a series of books about restaurant marketing that’s geared toward new restaurant operators. It’s a topic I’m passionate about and have written about extensively.

In this newsletter I’ll share my progress with anyone who is interested—whether you’re a restaurant operator, writer, marketing professional, or just curious.

This will serve a variety of purposes: It will keep me on track with my own deadlines and give you a peek into what it takes to create a book, from research to interviews, to writing, editing, and publication.

I hope you’ll join me.

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Subscribe to Marketing a New Restaurant (BOOK SERIES JOURNEY)

Peek inside the making of a marketing book series designed for new restaurant operators.


Content writer and researcher specializing in restaurant industry trends, technology and marketing.